In Fort Collins our City Bike Coordinator throws a breakfast bash during Bike to Work Week in late June and during Winter Bike to Work Day in December. Click here for photos of this last December.
But in Portland and Salem, Oregon they do Bike to Breakfast monthly! I've linked to some photos here and suggest we consider a monthly bike to breakfast to encourage more pedaling, more camaraderie, and more visibility for bicycle commuting. The difference from what we now do twice a year, with fancy breakfasts, corporate hosts, pancakes, heaters, and all and what Portland and Salem do is simplicity. They just serve coffee, juice and sweet rolls. Of course in Portland they do Breakfast on the Bridges over the Willamette River with great views. But still . . . we could find one place, one host, and do a simple gathering the last . . . take your pick, Wednesday, every month.
BUT - This is a job for the community NOT the City Bike Coordinator. As the recent Community Bike Safety Forum (see post below) indicated, the community thinks our Bike Coordinator should focus on safety, not encouragement. So let's get Bike Fort Collins to sponsor a breakfast, then Diamond Peaks, then Rotary, then New Belgium, then . . . . . are you with me?
Check out Portland's Bridge Breakfasts here.
And Salem's breakfast by bike here.
And the photos here.
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