Platinum Level Communities
1) City of Davis, California - Bicycle Advisory Commission • Develops options to achieve the goals of the city's Comprehensive Bicycle Plan, and recommends changes to the plan, as necessary, to achieve its purposes.
• Makes recommendations on any matter of bicycle safety
2) City of Portland, Oregon - Bicycle Advisory Committee The thirteen-member volunteer Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) meets monthly to review projects of interest to cyclists and discuss bike issues. The committee advises City Council and bureaus on all bicycle-related matters.
3) City of Boulder, Colorado – NO bicycle advisory board ; Transportation Advisory Board (TAB)Boulder held a Bike Summit Sept. 7, 2007
At the City Council retreat in January 2007, Council identified conducting a Bike Summit as an initiative, with a goal of achieving Platinum status from the League of American Bicyclists. The summit was held at the Boulder Outlook Hotel on Sept. 7, 2007.
Gold Level Communities
4) Corvallis, Oregon - Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission ( BPAC )
Advises Council on bicyclist and pedestrian issues; analyzes operation, routing, and safety concerns; recommends projects for bike facilities (paths, lanes, and racks); designs education and public outreach opportunities; and develops bike and pedestrian systems within the community. The Commission is comprised of 6 members who represent bicycle and pedestrian issues, one representative from the Associated Students of OSU, and one City Council representative.
5) Fort Collins, Colorado – NO bicycle advisory board; Transportation Board
The Transportation Board advises the Fort Collins City Council on transportation issues. The Board examines issues relating to financing; the development and implementation of master plans pertaining to pedestrian, streets, transit, bicycles, automobiles, congestion, traffic signalization, and transportation facilities; the use of technology; and education of the public and private industry on transportation topics. The Board acts as a forum for the citizens to express their needs and concerns. The Board coordinates with other city boards and commissions on projects and issues that are of mutual interest. The Transportation Board works with other municipalities in the region to identify and develop solutions to key transportation issues.
6) Jackson, WY – NO apparent bicycle advisory committee
Platinum Committee Draft Report, November 29, 2007
In the fall of 2006 Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz formed the Platinum Biking City Planning Committee with the overall goals of
1) achieving the Platinum designation level through the League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly Communities program, and
2) putting forward a roadmap - or bike path - for Madison to become the best city in the country for bicycling.
Platinum Biking Committee Final Report
Adopted by the City Council April 8, 2008 (PDF 1.3 MB)
For more information on the Platinum Biking City Planning Committee, see the links below, or contact Arthur Ross, Pedestrian-Bicycle Coordinator at
Platinum Biking City Planning Committee:
8) Palo Alto, California - Bicycle Advisory Committee
The Palo Alto Bicycle Advisory Committee is a citizen advisory committee which reports to the Chief Transportation Official. Members have interest in or knowledge of bicycling issues. The Committee's role is to review all issues related to bicycling in the areas of engineering, enforcement, education and encouragement. The types of activities include, but are not limited to the following:
• Review and comment on the design of Capital Improvement Program projects, street improvements, traffic signal projects, and parking facilities projects.
• Review and comment on changes and updates to the Palo Alto Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Municipal Code and other policy documents which relate to bicycling.
• Review and prioritize the City's annual Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 list of pedestrian and bicycle projects and report the Committee's recommendations to the City Council.
• Provide liaison between the City and the community and community groups on issues related to bicycling.
• Promote bicycling as a viable form of transportation.
• Assist in the development and dissemination of bicycle safety awareness and education materials to the community.
• Review and comment on private development plans, which include bicycle facilities or have impact on bicycle safety and access.
• Initiate requests to City staff on issues of concern to the Committee related to bicycling.
9) San Francisco, California – Bicycle Advisory Committee
The Bicycle Advisory Committee meets to consider bicycle transportation projects and policies and to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, the Department of Parking and Traffic, and other City and County of San Francisco agencies. Our projects include oversight and facilitation of the five-year Bicycle Plan Update, improved transit access for bicycles, and funding for bicycle improvements to increase road safety.
10) Seattle, Washington – Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board
The Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board was created through Resolution 25534 on May 11th, 1977 to advise the city on the concerns and needs of the growing bicycling community. It is composed of 11 Seattle residents that serve for a 2-year term and in 2001 added an additional position for the YMCA Get Engaged Program that serves for a 1-year term.
Mission Statement: Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board advises the City of Seattle on all matters related to bicycling.
Vision: Make Seattle a world-class City for Bicycling. Make bicycling a viable transportation choice by encouraging active participation in policy and planning efforts through all levels of government. Build a more inclusive bicycling community by representing the needs of the diverse population of bicyclists in the City.
To fulfill this Mission and to achieve the Vision, the Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board will concentrate its efforts on the following five principles as outlined by the League of American Cyclists as key elements of a bicycle friendly community:
11) Stanford University, California – NO bicycle advisory committee
Stanford has an Alternative Tranportation Divison under the Department of Parking and Transportation.
12) Tucson/East Pima County, Arizona – -Pima County Bicycle Advisory Committee
The Tucson-Pima County Bicycle Advisory Committee (TPCBAC) was established to serve in an advisory capacity to local governments on issues relating to bicycle recreation, transportation, and safety.
The TPCBAC is involved in promoting the development of a safe bicycling environment in the City of Tucson and Pima County.
Members of the Committee include representatives from:
• each of the Wards of the City of Tucson,
• unincorporated Pima County,
• the Arizona Department of Transportation,
• the Pima Association of Governments ("PAG"),
• the City of Tucson Department of Transportation,
• the Pima County Department of Transportation,
• the City of Tucson Police Department,
• the Pima County Sheriff's Department,
• the University of Arizona,
• the Town of Oro Valley,
• the Town of Marana,
• the University of Arizona,
• Davis-Monthan Air Force Base,
and other representatives from local governments and other constituencies.